SBT Multi-stage Barrel Casing Pump (API610 BB5)

SBT Multi-stage Barrel Casing Pump (API610 BB5)

SBT Multi-stage Barrel Casing Pump (API610 BB5)

SBT Multi-stage Barrel Casing Pump (API610 BB5)

Model:API1610 BB5


◉ Parameters:
Capacities:Q:3 ~1000 m3/h
Heads:H~2450 m
Temperatures:T-30 ℃ ~+425 ℃
Pressure:P~27.5 MPa

Horizontal radially split cylindrical structure, single-suction, multi-stage centrifugal impeller, centerline installation, support at both ends. The balance drum structure balances the axial force, the cylindrical barrel and the pump cover are tightly in the mouth section, and the seal is fixed. When working, under the action of high pressure medium, the sealing performance is good. When conveying high temperature medium, the sealed box can be equipped with cooling water cavity. According to needs, different schemes of mechanical seals can be configured, the seals at both ends can only withstand the low pressure of the inlet, and the API standard of the sealing pipeline is implemented.

Clean, low temperature or high temperature chemically neutral or corrosive liquids; refinery oil and gas, petrochemical, coal chemical, water injection, pipeline, boiler feed water, etc. Refinery, oil and natural gas, petrochemical coal chemical industry, water injection, pipeline, boiler feed water, etc.

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